Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Terms of use and privacy policy

Terms of use

The translation is for informational purposes and only the Spanish version will be valid in case of discrepancies.

You understand, agree and acknowledge that downloading, installing and/or using the Painometer software constitutes a legally binding agreement between you and ALGOS - Research on Pain ("our", "we", "us") and will indicate your conclusive and irrefutable acceptance of the Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. If you are a minor, you should review these terms and conditions with your parent or guardian to ensure that you and your parent or guardian understand and agree to these terms and conditions.

You must agree not to misuse Painometer and not to contribute to anyone else's misuse. You will not use the software for any illegal or prohibited purpose and you will only use the software in accordance with the stated terms and conditions and any other applicable laws in force.

You must register to use Painometer services. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the data provided for the registration of your account. You will be responsible for all activities that occur under your account. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security.

As long as you comply with these conditions, we will grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the software, for the sole purpose of accessing the Painometer services.

You may terminate your relationship with us at any time by deleting your account. This relationship will automatically terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition. You agree that we may also, for cause and with prior notice, temporarily or permanently terminate this relationship and/or terminate your account, such notice may not be necessary in urgent situations. In any case, these conditions will terminate as an agreement between you and us.

You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the software. Provisions that by their nature should survive termination of this agreement will survive.

We will review these terms from time to time to more accurately reflect the following: (a) changes in current legislation, (b) new regulatory requirements, or (c) additions or improvements implemented in Painometer. Before any change we will send you a notification with these updated conditions.

No commercial use of the original work or possible derivative works is permitted. For any questions or problems, consult algos.dolor@urv.cat. If you detect any errors, you can inform us through this same email. The use of this application does not replace the doctor-patient relationship. The application is suitable for all audiences.

This application is distributed under license from ALGOS - Research on Pain.

Privacy policy

Painometer's privacy policy describes our data processing practices, including the information we receive from you and the rights you have in relation to the processing of your information.

Our goal is to help you keep track of your pain episodes and allow you to share that information with your health care providers or any other third party you choose to share your information with through our Painometer mobile app.

Painometer collects and uses the following information for its operation and to provide its service: (a) account information. We collect and associate to your account information that you provide to us when you do things like register for an account; and (b) pain logs. We collect the intensity of pain, the location of the pain in the body and the date of the record. All the information mentioned above will remain anonymous. All pain log information will be stripped of all personal information so that it cannot be collected, and individual users identified.

Please note that for security purposes and to improve our software, as well as to determine the user's perception of the use of the software, we may collect certain information from your device that includes error reports; general usage statistics; device Information; application version.

By the nature of the software, it may be interactive and, as part of your use of the software, you may share some and/or all of your information and content with third parties. You should be careful when deciding what information and content to share through the software.

For the operation of Painometer, the creation of the account and the collection of data, the Firebase service is used under its privacy policies (https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy). The collected data is stored internally on your device and is also transferred to the Firebase data cloud.

We respect your privacy and will never share your personal information with third parties unless you have given your explicit consent and instructed us to do so. All information you provide to us will be encrypted and stored securely on the site and only authorized personnel will have access to it.

Data retention and deletion policy: The personal data collected will only be kept for as long as the user uses the application, after 5 years of inactivity it will be deleted. At any time, the same user can delete their personal data and their account through the same application (Main menu -> Settings -> User -> Delete user) or by sending an email to algos.dolor@urv.cat requesting the cancellation of their user account.

If you are interested in more detailed information about our procedures and practices, please contact us at algos.dolor@urv.cat.


Painometer is a smartphone app used to assess and record pain intensity over time. It includes four of the most widely used scales to measure pain intensity, which are: the Faces of Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R), the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the Color Analogue Scale (CAS). In addition, it allows you to point out where in the body pain is experienced.

Specifically, it allows:

This application has been developed and tested by the ALGOS - Research on Pain research group, linked to the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). More information at: http://www.dolorinfantil.urv.cat. It is aimed at health professionals and patients. The use of Painometer is not a substitute for the doctor-patient relationship. The contents have been developed by specialist psychologists in the evaluation and treatment of pain linked to the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. The developers are telematics and computer engineers. The person in charge of the project is Dr. Jordi Miró, professor at the URV and director of the University's Chair of Child Pain.

The editors and managers of Painometer undertake to review the content and functionalities of the application based on the existence of new scientific-technical evidence available.

The FPS-R scale has been reproduced according to its original source: Hicks CL, von Baeyer CL, Spafford P a, van Korlaar I, Goodenough B. The Faces Pain Scale-Revised: toward a common metric in pediatric pain measurement. Pain 2001;93:173-183.

The CAS scale has been reproduced from its original source: McGrath PA, Seifert CE, Speechley KN, Booth JC, Stitt L, Gibson MC. A new analogue scale for assessing children's pain: an initial validation study. Pain 1996;64:435-443.